Dr. WhoIn our previous article we spoke about awesome movies which would translate really well into great slots. That post was surprisingly enjoyable to write, and honestly, it was received extremely well – according to the view count (yes, I do keep track of those stats, believe it or not), it was viewed way more than my previous articles, which I took as a rather positive sign that you guys are into this sort of thing! And hell, if you’re in, I’m in! Let’s do a follow-up and examine some ideas for slots that could be based on popular TV shows! I mean, we’ve already seen a couple of slots based on those (with “South Park” and “Game of Thrones” being the most popular examples), but we could always have more, right? Now, the same criteria as before apply – the show needs to have a good cast of character, a colorful artstyle that’ll translate well into slot visuals and plenty of opportunities for bonus games! With that said, let’s get right into it!

3. Doctor Who

“Doctor Who” is one of the most long-running TV shows of all time, having begun its run aaaaall the way back in 1963 (that’s older than “Star Trek” by three years) and is still going strong to this day… If we ignore the fact that it went on hiatus for twenty-odd years between the 80s and the mid-2000s, but who’s counting! Between those times, we’ve had hundreds of stories set across time and space, with the role of the main character – the mysterious Doctor – being played by thirteen different people to date, and those are only the canonical ones (if we go into non-canon the list expands drastically, with the likes of Peter Cushing and Rowan Atkinson joining the fray). That can give a potential developer PLENTY of material to work with, and let’s not forget that the show is one of the staples of the UK, and what is the country that plays the most slots in the world? That’s right – the UK! It’s a match made in Heaven, really! With “Doctor Who” merchandise appearing everywhere, from mugs through action figures to mobile games, I’m sure that an online slot is going to be immensely popular, if done right.

2. Rick and Morty

We currently live in an animation golden age – “Gravity Falls”, “Star vs The Forces of Evil”, “The Loud House”, “Adventure Time”, “Legend of Korra”, I could go on and on and on. Honestly, any of these shows are good enough to make for a decent slot, but there’s just one problem – they’re all for kids, and kids don’t play slots. So how about we base one on a really, really great cartoon for adults, huh? It’s really hard to explain just how great “Rick and Morty” is in a single paragraph, but suffice to say, it’s pretty amazing. I actually wanted to illustrate that with a clip from the show, but I had an extremely hard time picking just one – there’s the one where Rick and Morty kill the Simpsons, which is hilarious, but I think the one that best illustrates my point is this scene in the arcade. Much like “South Park”, the show is often crass and vulgar, but also very creative and intelligent. Honestly, it practically begs to be turned into a slot. Imagine the comedic possibilities!

1. The Flash

Honestly, as much as I love anything and everything Marvel (“Infinity War” can’t come soon enough), even a fanboy like me has to admit that DC has been KILLING IT on TV. Sure, Marvel has had a few decent outings, mostly on Netflix, but dear lord, DC just churns out hit after hit after hit on the small screen! By far the most successful one of these is “The Flash”, a comic book show which absolutely embraces its source material and doesn’t even try to be realistic. A telepathic gorilla? We got that! Time travel? Meh, what else is new? Literally the craziest things can happen on “The Flash”, and I love it for it! Unlike its sister show “Arrow”, it’s bright, colorful, goofy and just knows how to make you feel great in 45 minutes! And at the end of the day, isn’t that what a slot is supposed to do? Flash’s colorful looks and plentiful cast of characters would make for an excellent slot, and then there’s also the fact that the famous Playtech – who have PLENTY of experience with superhero slots – recently acquired the rights to produce slots based on DC characters. So a slot based on “The Flash” is a very real possibility. Make it happen, you guys!